--- swagger: "2.0" info: description: This is a dummy API for CICD testing. version: 2.0.0 title: DummyAPI x-ibm-name: DummyAPI host: schemes: - https basePath: /openapi produces: - application/json paths: /v1/dummy: get: summary: This is a dummy API for CICD testing. description: This is a dummy API for CICD testing. tags: - dummy parameters: - name: Authorization in: header description: 'The most recent Authorization token. This will have the format Bearer + {space} + {accessToken}. Example: Bearer KGNsaWVudF9pZDpjbGllbnRfc2VjcmV0KQ==.' type: string required: true - name: uuid in: header description: 128 bit random UUID generated uniquely for every request. type: string required: true - name: Accept in: header description: Content-Type that are acceptable for the response. type: string required: true - name: Content-Type in: header description: application/json required: true type: string - name: client_id in: header description: Client ID generated during application registration. type: string required: true - name: clientDetails in: header description: This field is used to capture device,browser and network information. Refer the developer portal for more information.These are the fields which will be passed as part of the header devicePrint,deviceTokenCookie,userIpAddress,userAgent,hardwareId,simId,deviceModel,deviceName,deviceOsName,deviceOsVersion,multitaskingSupportFlag,languageSupport,wifiMacAddress,cellTowerId,locationAreaCode,rsaApplicationKey,wapClientId,mobileCarrierCode,mobileCountryCode,osId,geoLongitude,geoLatitude,geoHorizontalAccuracy,geoAltitude,geoAltitudeAccuracy,geoSpeed,geoTimestamp,geoStatus,basicServiceSetId,signalStrength,wifiChannel,serviceSetId type: string required: false responses: 200: description: Successful operation. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/DummyAPIResponse' 204: description: No content 400: description:
invalidinvalidRequestMissing or invalid Parameters
schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' 401: description:
errorunAuthorizedAuthorization credentials are missing or invalid
schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' 403: description:
erroraccessNotConfiguredThe request operation is not configured to access this resource
schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' 500: description:
fatalserverUnavailableThe request failed due to an internal error
schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' operationId: accountOfficerAndStatusForCustomerInq definitions: SelectAndCreditRedemptionRequest: properties: cardId: description: The card id in encrypted format type: string example: 3255613852316f2b4d4d796c344e38756339654972776f663745446e6d4c32486f455a4165374a476858343d transactionReferenceId: description: 'Reference Id to uniquely identify the transaction.This array is deprecated from version 1.1.0 onwards ' type: array example: "10001278" items: type: string transactions: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Transactions' required: - cardId Transactions: properties: transactionReferenceId: description: Reference Id to uniquely identify the transaction. type: string example: "10001278" transactionAmount: description: Transaction amount,This field is required for partial rewards redemption. type: number format: double example: 800.910000 currencyCode: description: The currency code of the account in ISO 4217 format type: string example: SGD pointsToRedeem: description: The points or miles that needs to redeemed. If both transactionAmount and pointsToRedeem are sent, it should be correct combination as per the below programConversionRate logic:pointsToRedeem = RoundOf (transactionAmount/programConversionRate) type: integer format: int64 example: 2500 transactionDescription: description: Transaction description from the merchant type: string example: Completed required: - transactionReferenceId SelectAndCreditRedemptionResponse: properties: redemptionDetails: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/RedemptionDetails' availablePointBalance: description: The new points or miles balance. type: integer format: int64 example: 6000 actualAvailablePointBalance: description: The new points or miles balance. type: number format: double example: 6000.250000 required: - redemptionDetails RedemptionDetails: properties: orderId: description: The unique order id. type: string example: T25100025 transactionReferenceId: description: Reference Id to uniquely identify the transaction. type: string example: "10001278" redemptionOrderStatus: description: This is the status code of the redemption order. This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{redemptionOrderStatus} resource to get valid value of this field with description. type: string example: SUCCESS redemptionOrderFailureReason: description: This field is to indicate the reason of the failure of redemption order. Applicable only in case of any error in redemption.This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{redemptionOrderFailureReason} resource to get valid value of this field with description. type: string example: REDEMPTION_NOT_ALLOWED required: - transactionReferenceId RewardPointsRedemptionRequest: properties: transactionReferenceNumber: description: This is reference number for the original transaction done at merchant side using the card. type: string example: "10001278" redemptionOrder: $ref: '#/definitions/RedemptionOrder' required: - transactionReferenceNumber - redemptionOrder RedemptionOrder: properties: transactionAmount: description: 'The total transaction amount. If both transactionAmount and pointsToRedeem are sent, it should be correct combination as per the below programConversionRate logic: pointsToRedeem = RoundOf (transactionAmount/programConversionRate)' type: number format: double example: 100.250000 currencyCode: description: The currency code of the account in ISO 4217 format type: string example: SGD pointsToRedeem: description: The points or miles that needs to redeemed. If both transactionAmount and pointsToRedeem are sent, it should be correct combination as per the below programConversionRate logic:pointsToRedeem = RoundOf (transactionAmount/programConversionRate) type: integer format: int64 example: 2500 transactionDescription: description: Transaction description from the merchant type: string example: Completed required: - transactionAmount RewardPointsRedemptionResponse: properties: orderId: description: The unique order id type: string example: T25100025 availablePointBalance: description: The new points or miles balance type: integer format: int64 example: 6000 required: - orderId RetrieveRewardPointTransactionRedemptionHistoryRequest: properties: cardId: description: Card number of the customer type: string example: 12345678987456 startDate: description: Start Date in ISO 8601 date format YYYY-MM-DD type: string format: date example: 8/2/19 endDate: description: End Date in ISO 8601 date format YYYY-MM-DD type: string format: date example: 9/2/19 redemptionTransactionIndicator: description: Type of request. Possible values. - EARN - REDEMPTION - ALL This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{redemptionTransactionIndicator} resource to get valid value of this field with description. type: string example: ALL required: - cardId - redemptionTransactionIndicator RetrieveRewardPointTransactionRedemptionHistoryResponse: properties: transactionDetails: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/TransactionDetails' startDate: description: Start Date in ISO 8601 date format YYYY-MM-DD type: string format: date example: "2019-01-01" endDate: description: End Date in ISO 8601 date format YYYY-MM-DD type: string format: date example: "2019-01-01" listRs: $ref: '#/definitions/ListRs' totalRecordsCount: description: This element gives Total Number of records. type: integer format: int32 example: 50 TransactionDetails: properties: transactionDescription: description: Transaction description type: string example: Referral Program transactionReferenceId: description: Unique reference Id of the transaction type: string example: ID235687 transactionDate: description: Transaction Date in ISO 8601 date format YYYY-MM-DD type: string format: date example: "2019-01-01" transactionRewardPoints: description: For redemption, number of Points redeemed. For earn, number of Points earned. type: number format: integer example: 55 redemptionCategory: description: Category of redemption. This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{redemptionCategory} resource to get valid value of this field with description. type: string example: SNC redemptionStatus: description: For Redemption, fulfillment status - fulfilled/cancelled. For transaction, earned/reserved. This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{redemptionStatus} resource to get valid value of this field with description. type: string example: FULFILLED redemptionTransactionIndicator: description: Type of request. Possible values. - EARN - REDEMPTION - ALL This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{redemptionTransactionIndicator} resource to get valid value of this field with description. type: string example: EARN or REDEMPTION inventoryName: description: Inventory name is actually used to identify the texture of the merchant name. type: string example: Travel Insurance merchantName: description: The merchant name with which this transaction was made with. type: string example: ABC Corp. transactionCashAmount: description: Cash amount paid for that transaction . type: number format: double example: 200 required: - transactionDescription - transactionDate - transactionRewardPoints - redemptionTransactionIndicator ListRs: properties: moreIndicator: description: For pagination - indicates that more records are available for retrieval. Y = more records are available for retrieval, N = no more records are available for retrieval type: string example: "Y" nextStartIndex: description: For pagination - the starting index for retrieving the next page/batch of records. The value of the previous requests listRs.nextStartIndex is echoed back in this field. type: string example: 51 size: description: For pagination - the number of records requested for the next page/batch of records. type: integer format: int32 example: 5 UnusedPayWithPointsOfferListInquiryResponse: properties: customerId: description: Unique Id associated with the customer. type: string example: P011100000125 availablePointBalance: type: number format: int64 description: Number of rewards points or miles available as per the latest statement generated. example: 10000 customerOfferDetails: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/CustomerOfferDetails' required: - availablePointBalance CustomerOfferDetails: properties: accountId: type: string description: The customer account identifier in encrypted format. example: 3255613852316f2b4d4d796c344e38756339654972776f663745446e6d4c32486f455a4165374a476858343d cardId: description: The card id in encrypted format. type: string example: 3255613852316f2b4d4d796c344e38756339654972776f663745446e6d4c32486f455a4165374a476858343d productCode: type: string description: A unique code that identifies the product example: 0800_VC601 offerId: description: Unique offer ID associated with the offer type: string example: 111000125 transactionAmount: description: The total transaction amount. type: number format: double example: 1000.250000 minimuPointsToRedeem: description: The minimum number of points that can be used towards a purchase type: number format: int64 example: 10000 programConversionRate: description: Points to currency conversion rate for the rewards program type: number format: double example: 0.252100 merchantName: description: The merchant name with which this transaction was made. type: string example: LAZADA transactionReferenceId: description: This is reference id for the original transaction done at merchant side using the card. type: string example: "10001278" redemptionType: description: It Indicates whether Order is for Subscription or Redemption.. This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{redemptionType} resource to get possible values of this field with descriptions. type: string example: Partial minimiumRedemptionAmount: type: number format: double description: Minimum amount available for redemption.. example: 100.120000 incrementalRedemptionAmount: type: number format: double description: Incremental redemption amount. example: 5.110000 maximumRedemptionAmount: type: number format: double description: Maximum amount available for redemption. example: 1000.150000 overseasTransactionFlag: description: Indicator for overseas Transaction. type: boolean example: true redemptionDateTimeStamp: description: Date and time of the redemption. type: string format: dateTime example: "2018-11-23T00:00:02+05:00" required: - offerId - cardId - productCode - transactionAmount - programConversionRate - transactionReferenceId - redemptionType RedeemPayWithPointsUnusedOffersRequest: properties: cardId: description: The card id in encrypted format. type: string example: 3255613852316f2b4d4d796f663745446e6d4c32486f455a4165374a476858343d redemptionMedia: description: This field is used to identify the way the offer is sent. This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{redemptionMedia} resource to get valid value of this field with description. type: string example: COPS_1_WAY_SMS redemptionOrder: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/RedemptionOrders' required: - redemptionMedia - redemptionOrder - cardId RedemptionOrders: properties: pointsToRedeem: description: The points or miles that needs to redeemed. type: number format: int64 example: 25000 currencyCode: description: The currency code of the account in ISO 4217 format type: string example: SGD transactionReferenceId: description: This is reference id for the original transaction done at merchant side using the card. type: string example: "10001278" required: - pointsToRedeem - currencyCode - transactionReferenceId RedeemPayWithPointsUnusedOffersResponse: properties: availablePointBalance: type: number format: double description: Available reward points on the credit card example: 1500.250000 redemptionOrderStatusDetails: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/RedemptionOrderStatusDetails' required: - availablePointBalance - redemptionOrderStatusDetails RedemptionOrderStatusDetails: properties: transactionReferenceId: description: This is reference id for the original transaction done at merchant side using the card. type: string example: "10001278" redemptionOrderStatus: description: This is the status code of the redemption order. This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{redemptionOrderStatus} resource to get valid value of this field with description. type: string example: SUCCESS redemptionOrderFailureReason: description: This field is to indicate the reason of the failure of redemption order. Applicable only in case of any error in redemption. type: string example: RedemptionNotAllowed required: - transactionReferenceId - redemptionOrderStatus ShopWithPointsRedemtionReversalRequest: properties: orderId: description: The unique order id type: string example: T25100025 transactionReferenceNumber: description: This is reference number for the original transaction done at merchant side using the card type: string example: CTRRT200 ShopWithPointsPointRedemptionReversalRequest: properties: cardId: description: The card id in encrypted format type: string example: 3255613852316f2b4d4d796c344e38756339654972776f663745446e6d4c32486f455a4165374a476858343d orderId: description: The unique order id type: string example: T25100025 transactionReferenceNumber: description: A unique reference number being generated at the time of show with points Redemption type: string example: 10000000 ShopWithPointsPointRedemptionRequest: properties: cardId: description: The card id in encrypted format type: string example: 3255613852316f2b4d4d796c344e38756339654972776f663745446e6d4c32486f455a4165374a476858343d transactions: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Transactions' required: - cardId ShopWithPointsPointRedemptionResponse: properties: availablePointBalance: description: The new reward points or miles balance after Redemption type: integer format: int64 example: 6000 redemptionDetails: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/RedemptionDetails' RequestRewardPointsTransactionRewardProgramsEnrollmentRequest: properties: cardId: description: Card number in encrypted format. type: string example: 1233446dghg67 rewardsProgramProductId: description: Product ID type: string example: CREDIT_CARD agentId: description: agent Id type: string example: ab67899 bundleDetails: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/BundleDetails' rewardsProgramType: description: Reward Program Type type: string example: REWARDS_BUNDLE_ENROLLMENT required: - cardId - rewardsProgramProductId RequestRewardPointsTransactionRewardProgramsDisenrollmentRequest: properties: cardId: description: Card number in encrypted format. type: string example: 1233446dghg67 rewardsProgramProductId: description: Product ID type: string example: CREDIT_CARD agentId: description: agent Id type: string example: ab67899 bundleDetails: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/BundleDetails' rewardsProgramType: description: Reward Program Type type: string example: REWARDS_BUNDLE_ENROLLMENT required: - cardId - rewardsProgramProductId BundleDetails: properties: bundleId: description: Bundle ID defined by Biz for the logo type: string example: FUN MIL bundleName: description: Bundle Name (Short Name) defined by Biz type: string example: Tiered Bundle autoRenewalFlag: description: Bundle auto renewal indicator. type: boolean example: true required: - bundleId - bundleName RequestRewardPointsTransactionRewardProgramsEnrollmentResponse: properties: bundleStartDate: description: Bundle Subscription start date should be in ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD type: string format: date example: "2020-10-24" bundleEndDate: description: Bundle Subscription End date should be in ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD type: string format: date example: "2020-10-24" ErrorResponse: properties: type: description: Invalid - Request did not confirm to the specification and was unprocessed and rejected. Please fix the value and try again enum: - error - warn - invalid - fatal type: string code: description: Error code which qualifies the error type: string details: description: Human readable explanation specific to the occurrence of the problem type: string location: description: The name of the field that resulted in the error type: string moreInfo: description: URI to human readable documentation of the error type: object required: - type - code DummyAPIResponse: properties: dummyString: description: Dummy string. type: string GetRewardPointBalanceResponse: properties: availablePointBalance: type: number format: int64 description: Number of rewards points or miles available. example: 10000 programConversionRate: description: Points to currency conversion rate for the rewards program type: number format: double example: 0.252100 currencyCode: description: The currency code of the account in ISO 4217 format type: string example: SGD maximumPointsToRedeem: description: The maximum number of points that can be used towards a purchase type: number format: int64 example: 10000 minimumPointsToRedeem: description: The minimum number of points that can be used towards a purchase type: number format: int64 example: 5000 required: - availablePointBalance RewardsLinkageRequest: type: object required: - lastFourDigitsCardNumber - citiCardHolderPhoneNumber - merchantCustomerReferenceId properties: lastFourDigitsCardNumber: description: Last four digits of the card number type: string example: "5212" citiCardHolderPhoneNumber: description: Citi registered primary mobile number of the credit card holder with Country Code (without + sign). type: string example: "6563471895" merchantCustomerReferenceId: description: Denotes the unique reference identifier which merchant has for a particular customer. type: string example: P125121001 RewardsLinkageResponse: properties: rewardLinkCode: description: Unique link code issued during registration process. This is to be used in all subsequent reward transactions type: string example: "9035268" RewardsInquiryRequest: properties: cardDetails: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/CardDetails' CardDetails: properties: cardId: description: Hashed Card No of equivalent Citi Card type: string example: 3255613852316f2b4d4d796c344e38756339654972776f663745446e6d4c32486f455a4165374a476858343d required: - cardId RewardsInquiryResponse: properties: rewardAccounts: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/RewardAccount' required: - rewardAccounts RewardAccount: properties: cardId: description: The card id in encrypted format type: string example: 3255613852316f2b4d4d796c344e38756339654972776f663745446e6d4c32486f455a4165374a476858343d displayCardNumber: description: A masked card number that can be displayed to the customer. type: string example: XXXXXXXXXXXX4521 availablePointBalance: type: number format: int64 description: Number of rewards points or miles available. example: 10000 rewardCategoryCode: description: Reward category code. This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/apac/utilities/referenceData/{rewardCategoryCode} resource to get valid value of this field with description. type: string example: POINTS lastStatementPointBalance: description: Number of rewards points or miles available since last statement balance. type: number format: double example: 15000.250000 pointsEarned: description: Number of rewards points or miles earned since last statement date. type: number format: double example: 2250.150000 rewardAccountErrorDetails: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' programConversionRate: description: Points to currency conversion rate for the rewards program type: number format: double example: 0.252100 currencyCode: description: The currency code of the account in ISO 4217 format type: string example: SGD maximumPointsToRedeem: description: The maximum number of points that can be used towards a purchase type: number format: int64 example: 10000 minimumPointsToRedeem: description: The minimum number of points that can be used towards a purchase type: number format: int64 example: 5000 pointsTransferEligibleFlag: description: Flag to indicate Cardss eligibility for points transfers type: boolean example: true payWithPointsEligibleFlag: description: Flag to indicate Card's is eligibility for pay with points type: boolean example: true eligibleForConvertToCashFlag: description: Card is Eligible for Pay With Points type: boolean example: true programDetails: $ref: '#/definitions/ProgramDetails' partnerList: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/PartnerDetails' required: - cardId - displayCardNumber - availablePointBalance ShopWithPointsRewardsLinkageRequest: type: object required: - lastFourDigitsCardNumber - citiCardHolderPhoneNumber - merchantCustomerReferenceId properties: lastFourDigitsCardNumber: description: Last four digits of the card number type: string example: "5212" citiCardHolderPhoneNumber: description: Citi registered primary mobile number of the credit card holder with Country Code (without + sign). type: string example: "6563471895" merchantCustomerReferenceId: description: Denotes the unique reference identifier which merchant has for a particular customer. type: string example: P125121001 ShopWithPointsRewardsLinkageResponse: properties: rewardLinkCode: description: Unique link code issued during registration process. This is to be used in all subsequent reward transactions type: string example: "9035268" ShopWithPointsRewardsLinkageActivationRequest: properties: linkageConfirmationCode: description: Confirmation number for reward link code activation. type: string example: "9035268" required: - linkageConfirmationCode ShopWithPointsRewardsLinkageActivationResponse: properties: cardLogo: type: string description: This denotes the logo details of the card. example: 4412 ShopWithPointsGetRewardPointBalanceResponse: properties: availablePointBalance: type: number format: int64 description: Number of rewards points or miles available. example: 10000 programConversionRate: description: Points to currency conversion rate for the rewards program type: number format: double example: 0.252100 currencyCode: description: The currency code of the account in ISO 4217 format type: string example: SGD maximumPointsToRedeem: description: The maximum number of points that can be used towards a purchase type: number format: int64 example: 10000 minimumPointsToRedeem: description: The minimum number of points that can be used towards a purchase type: number format: int64 example: 5000 required: - availablePointBalance ProgramDetails: properties: programType: description: Type of Program. Program for which the redemption is happening. This is a reference data. /v1/utilities/referenceData/{programType} resource to get possible values of this field with descriptions type: string example: CONVERT_TO_CASH programConversionRate: description: Points to amount conversion rate for the rewards program type: number format: double example: 140.230000 currencyCode: type: string description: The currency code of the insurance product in ISO 4217 format example: EUR pointsInterval: type: number format: double description: Points interval for the program example: 2.110000 maximumPointsToRedeem: description: The maximum number of points that can be used towards a purchase type: number format: int64 example: 10000 minimumPointsToRedeem: description: The minimum number of points that can be used towards a purchase type: number format: int64 example: 5000 PartnerDetails: properties: partnerCode: description: The Registered partner code. type: string example: "4222521" partnerCustomerId: description: Membership number with the registered partner. type: string example: "12322323222" RewardsLinkageActivationRequest: properties: linkageConfirmationCode: description: Confirmation number for reward link code activation. type: string example: "9035268" required: - linkageConfirmationCode RewardsLinkageActivationResponse: properties: cardLogo: type: string description: This denotes the logo details of the card. example: 4412 EvaluateCustomerEligibilityAssessmentCheckCardLoansResponse: properties: accountGroup: description: This field refers the account group of the Account. This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{accountGroup} resource to get valid value of this field with description. type: string example: CREDIT_CARD displayCardNumber: description: Last four digits of card number that can be displayed to the customer for the credit card on which LOP offer is given type: string example: "2391" accountId: description: Tokenized account id for the CASA account in which the amount will be credited type: string example: 3255613852316f2b4d4d796c344e38756339654972776f663745446e6d4c32486f455a4165374a476858343d cardId: description: TTokenized card id for the credit card on which LOP offer is given. type: string example: 3255613852316f2b4d4d796c344e38756339654972776f663745446e6d4c32486f455a4165374a476858343d displayAccountNumber: description: Last four digits of Account number that can be displayed to the customer for the CASA account in which the amount will be credited type: string example: "2391" maximumEligibleLoanAmount: description: The maximum amount of credit that extend to a customer type: number format: double example: 5000 minimumEligibleLoanAmount: description: The minimum amount of credit that extend to a customer type: number format: double example: 500 offerIndicator: description: Indicator to determine if offer is rate or fee based. This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/apac/utilities/referenceData/{offerIndicator} resource to get valid value of this field with description. type: string example: RATE_BASED loanBookingPlan: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/LoanBookingPlan' transactionCategory: description: This refers to transaction category of the debit card transaction which gets converted into EPP.This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{transactionCategory} resource to get valid value of this field with description. type: string example: TRANSFER transactionDescription: description: This refers to transaction description of the debit card transaction which gets converted into EPP type: string example: Monthly rent productName: description: Product name of the credit card. type: string example: Citi PremierMiles Card customerSegment: description: This refers to segment of the customer. This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/apac/utilities/referenceData/{customerSegment} resource to get possible value of this field with description. type: string example: CITI_GOLD required: - accountGroup - displayAccountNumber - displayCardNumber - cardId - accountId - maximumEligibleLoanAmount - minimumEligibleLoanAmount - offerIndicator LoanBookingPlan: properties: tenor: description: Tenure of loan in months. type: number format: integer example: 6 effectiveInterestRate: description: The interest rate applicable on loan amount. type: number format: double example: 12.990000 annualPercentageRate: description: Interest rate for a whole year. This includes any fees or additional cost associated. type: number format: double example: 13.670000 installmentAmount: description: Installment amount to be paid by customer in order to repay the loan. type: number format: double example: 44.660000 oneTimeProcessingFeeIndicator: description: 'One time processing fee indicator. Valid values : PERCENTAGE, FIXED_AMOUNT. This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{oneTimeProcessingFeeIndicator} resource to get valid value of this field with description.' type: string example: FIXED_AMOUNT oneTimeProcessingFeeAmount: description: Fee charged as part of one time processing. type: number format: double example: 15.150000 oneTimeProcessingFeePercentage: description: Percentage of one time processing fee charged. type: number format: double example: 0.750000 initialInterestAmount: description: This is the initial interest amount charged to customer from loan booking date to the first installment start date type: number format: double example: 7.950000 totalInterestAmount: description: This is the total interest amount for the loan account. type: number format: double example: 1212.120000 totalRepaymentAmount: description: This is the total amount to be paid back which includes principal, interest and any fees incurred. type: number format: double example: 28500.150000 monthlyServicingFeeAmount: description: This the applicable monthly servicing/maintenance fee for administrating the loan which is included in the monthly installment amount. type: number format: double example: 25.010000 required: - tenor - effectiveInterestRate - installmentAmount LoanEligibilityCheckResponse: properties: loanEligibilityDetails: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/LoanEligibilityDetails' LoanEligibilityDetails: properties: accountId: description: The account id in encrypted format. type: string example: 3255613852316f2b4d4d796c344e38756339654972776f663745446e6d4c32486f455a4165374a476858343d displayAccountNumber: description: A masked account number that can be displayed to the customer. type: string example: XXXXXXXXXXXX4521 lopSupportedAccountGroup: type: string description: This field refers the account group supported by Loan over phone. This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{lopSupportedAccountGroup} resource to get valid value of this field with description. example: READY_CREDIT maximumEligibleLoanAmount: description: This field indicates the maximum eligible amount for loan. type: number format: double example: 25000.250000 minimumEligibleLoanAmount: description: This field indicates the minimum eligible amount for loan. type: number format: double example: 5000.250000 offerIndicator: description: This is to indicate if the offer is rate/fee/hybrid based. This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{offerIndicator} resource to get valid value of this field with description. type: string example: RATE_BASED interestCalculationMethod: description: Interest calculation method. This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{interestCalculationMethod} resource to get valid value of this field with description. type: string example: REDUCING_BALANCE_METHOD lopCategory: description: Indicator to determine the type of LOP Offer. This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{lopCategory} resource to get valid value of this field with description. type: string example: LOAN_OVER_PHONE maximumEligibleCashAmount: description: The maximum amount that the customer can avail as cash advance. type: number format: double example: 25000.250000 minimumEligibleCashAmount: description: The minimum amount that the customer can avail as cash advance. type: number format: double example: 5000.250000 cashAdvanceFeePercentage: description: Fee applicable for cash advance can be in percentage or amount.Fee value in %. type: number format: double example: 0.900000 paymentPlan: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/PaymentPlan' cashAdvanceFeePercentageAmount: description: Fee applicable for cash advance can be in percentage or amount. Fee value in amount. type: number format: double example: 50.250000 required: - displayAccountNumber - accountId - maximumEligibleLoanAmount - offerIndicator PaymentPlan: properties: maximumEligibleCashAmount: description: The maximum amount that the customer can avail as cash advance. type: number format: double example: 10000 tenor: description: Tenor of Equal payment plan in months type: string example: 6 minimumEligibleCashAmount: description: The minimum amount that the customer can avail as cash advance. type: number format: double example: 1000 EppLoanBookingRequest: properties: eppLoanBookingType: description: Type of the easy payment plan loan booking.This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/apac/utilities/referenceData/{eppLoanBookingType} resource to get possible value of this field with description. type: string example: TRANSACTION tenor: description: Tenure of loan in months. type: number format: integer example: 6 eppLoanBooking: type: array description: EPP Loan Booking Pre-process items: $ref: '#/definitions/EppLoanBooking' required: - eppLoanBooking - eppLoanBookingType - tenor EppLoanBooking: properties: loanAmount: description: Loan amount for easy payment plan booking. type: number format: double example: 680.250000 referenceId: description: Reference Id to uniquely identify the transaction. Applicable only for EPP of type TRANSACTION. type: string example: BIMI51807310002051 transactionAuthorizationCode: description: Transaction authorization code is a unique to a sales credit card transaction to indicate that the sale has been authorized. type: string example: "987012" required: - loanAmount EppLoanBookingResponse: properties: eppTransaction: $ref: '#/definitions/EppTransaction' required: - eppTransaction EppTransaction: properties: loanReferenceId: description: 'Reference Id to uniquely identify the loan. ' type: string example: 50120182023488270 installmentAmount: description: Installment amount to be paid by customer in order to repay the loan. type: number format: double example: 34.950000 principalAmount: description: The portion of the Principal Amount Paid for the loan. type: number format: double example: 5000.950000 installmentInterestAmount: description: The interest amount to be paid as installment. type: number format: double example: 5.580000 initialInterestAmount: description: Initial interest amount charged to customer from the epp booking date to the first installment start date type: number format: double example: 7.950000 statementUnpaidBalanceAmount: description: This field indicates the remaining statement balance amount that remains due and payable. type: number format: double example: 1500.110000 required: - loanReferenceId EppRepaymentScheuleResponse: properties: eppAmortizationSchedule: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/EppAmortizationSchedule' totalLoanCost: description: Principal and total Interest amount to be paid by borrower for the loan. type: number format: double example: 900.580000 EppAmortizationSchedule: properties: installmentNumber: description: Installment number type: string example: "1" installmentAmount: description: Installment amount to be payed by customer in order to repay the loan. type: number format: double example: 34.950000 principalAmount: description: ' The portion of the Principal Amount Paid for the loan.' type: number format: double example: 34.950000 installmentInterestAmount: description: The interest amount to be paid as installment. type: number format: double example: 5.580000 outstandingPrincipalAmount: description: Principal amount component that is yet to be paid by borrower for the loan. type: number format: double example: 500.580000 installmentDate: type: string description: Installment date in MM/YYYY format example: 12/2018 required: - installmentNumber - installmentAmount - principalAmount - installmentInterestAmount CreditCheckRequest: properties: monthlyIncome: description: This field is to indicate the monthly income of the customer. type: number format: double example: 15000.250000 totalMonthlySecuredLoanRepaymentAmount: description: Total monthly repayment amount outside of Citibank for mortgage installment, secured loans and all in-progress loan applications. type: number format: double example: 2500.150000 totalMonthlyUnsecuredLoanRepaymentAmount: description: Total monthly repayment amount of unsecured loans in non-bank money lenders. type: number format: double example: 2000.150000 required: - monthlyIncome CreditCheckResponse: properties: creditCheck: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/CreditCheck' required: - creditCheck CreditCheck: properties: tenor: description: Tenure of loan in months. type: number format: integer example: 6 maximumEligibleLoanAmount: description: Maximum Eligible Loan amount corresponding to each tenure. type: number format: double example: 25000.250000 annualPercentageRate: description: Compounded annual interest rate. type: number format: double example: 13.670000 required: - tenor - maximumEligibleLoanAmount LoanRepaymentScheuleResponse: properties: amortizationSchedule: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/AmortizationSchedule' totalLoanCost: description: Principal and total Interest amount to be paid by borrower for the loan. type: number format: double example: 900.580000 nextStartIndex: type: string description: The next start index that indicates the next set of records to be fetched, if there are available. Typically, this value should be populated if the first response has the value of nextStartIndex. example: "11" AmortizationSchedule: properties: installmentNumber: description: Installment number type: string example: "1" installmentAmount: description: Installment amount to be paid by customer in order to repay the loan. type: number format: double example: 34.950000 principalAmount: description: ' The portion of the Principal Amount Paid for the loan.' type: number format: double example: 34.950000 installmentInterestAmount: description: The interest amount to be paid as installment. type: number format: double example: 5.580000 outstandingPrincipalAmount: description: Principal amount component that is yet to be paid by borrower for the loan. type: number format: double example: 500.580000 installmentDate: type: string format: date description: Installment date in should be updated in ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD example: "2018-12-01" required: - installmentNumber - installmentAmount - principalAmount - installmentInterestAmount RetrieveCreditChargeCardFulfillmentArrangementCreditPlanConsolidateRequest: properties: oldLoanList: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Loan' totalLoanAmount: description: Total amount borrowed by customer as Loan ie., Old Loan Amount+Top up Amount. type: number format: double example: 10000.250000 loanTenureInmonths: description: Tenure of loan against credit card. It is considered in terms of number of months. type: integer format: int32 example: 12 topUpAmount: description: Additonal Topup Amount type: number format: double example: 200.500000 loanDescription: description: New Loan Description type: string example: epp merge loan disbursementOption: description: This field indicates the options/mode in which the loan amount will be disbursed. This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{disbursementOption} resource to get valid value of this field with description. type: string example: PAYEE_ACCOUNT disbursementAccountId: description: The disbursement account identifier in encrypted format. type: string example: 3255613852316f2b4d4d796c344e38756339654972776f663745446e6d4c32486f455a4165374a476858343d payeeId: description: Payee Indicator to be mapped against Payee Detail Key type: string example: ABC1234 beneficiaryBankDetail: $ref: '#/definitions/BeneficiaryBankDetail' loanPurpose: description: This field indicates the options/mode in which the loan amount will be disbursed. This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{loanPurpose} resource to get valid value of this field with description. type: string example: MEDICAL required: - totalLoanAmount - loanTenureInmonths - topUpAmount - disbursementOption Loan: properties: loanReferenceId: description: Unique refrence number associated with the loan. type: string example: 2019-06-25- required: - loanReferenceId BeneficiaryBankDetail: properties: beneficiaryBankCode: description: Bank Code of the Beneficiary Account Number type: string accountNumber: description: Customers Account Number with the Bank. An account number is the primary identifier for ownership of an account, whether a checking account or savings account or credit card account or investment account, or a loan account. type: string example: 123456789 beneficiaryBranchCode: description: Branch Code of the Beneficiary Account Number type: string bankName: description: Name of the bank where the branch is associated type: string example: ANZ BANK beneficiaryName: description: Beneficiary Name type: string example: TAN SHAN SHAN RetrieveCreditChargeCardFulfillmentArrangementCreditPlanConsolidateResponse: properties: newLoanReferenceId: description: Unique refrence number associated with the loan. type: string example: 2019-07-03- nextInstallmentAmount: description: Amount of money borrower has to pay as next installment. type: number format: double example: 1566.050000 nextInstallmentPrincipalAmount: description: Amount of money that contributes to principal component in next installment. type: number format: double example: 100.250000 interestRate: description: Rate of Interest.Interest rate is the amount charged, expressed as a percentage of principal, by a lender to a borrower for the use of assets. Interest rates are typically noted on an annual basis, known as the annual percentage rate (APR). type: number format: double example: 0.250000 totalInterestAmount: description: Total amount of money that a borrower will have to pay as interest for amount borrowed. type: number format: double example: 1234.500000 loanBookingFee: description: Amount to be paid as fee for loan booking. type: number format: double example: 100.250000 required: - newLoanReferenceId RetrieveCreditChargeCardFulfillmentArrangementCreditPlanConsolidateConfirmationRequest: properties: controlFlowId: description: Control Flow Id type: string example: 6e3774334f724a2b7947663653712f52456f524c41797038516a59347a437549564a77755676376e616a733d required: - controlFlowId RetrieveCreditChargeCardFulfillmentArrangementCreditPlanConsolidateConfirmationResponse: properties: newLoanReferenceId: description: Unique refrence number associated with the loan. type: string example: 2019-07-03- nextInstallmentAmount: description: Amount of money borrower has to pay as next installment. type: number format: double example: 1566.050000 nextInstallmentPrincipalAmount: description: Amount of money that contributes to principal component in next installment. type: number format: double example: 100.250000 interestRate: description: Rate of Interest.Interest rate is the amount charged, expressed as a percentage of principal, by a lender to a borrower for the use of assets. Interest rates are typically noted on an annual basis, known as the annual percentage rate (APR). type: number format: double example: 0.250000 totalInterestAmount: description: Total amount of money that a borrower will have to pay as interest for amount borrowed. type: number format: double example: 1234.500000 loanBookingFee: description: Amount to be paid as fee for loan booking. type: number format: double example: 100.250000 required: - newLoanReferenceId RetrieveCreditChargeCardFulfillmentArrangementCreditPlanLoanRepayScheduleSimulatorResponse: properties: effectiveInterestRate: description: Effective interest rate. type: number format: double example: 2.700000 annualPercentageRate: description: Applicable Annual Percentage Rate type: number format: double example: 3 totalInterestAmount: description: Total interest amount on checking account type: number format: double example: 1000 amortizationSchedule: properties: installmentNumber: description: Installment number type: string example: 12 principalAmount: description: The portion of the Principal Amount Paid for the loan in local currency type: number format: double example: 1000 installmentInterestAmount: description: The interest amount to be paid as installment. type: number format: double example: 100 required: - installmentNumber - principalAmount - installmentInterestAmount RetrieveCreditChargeCardFulfillmentArrangementCreditPlanConsolidatePreprocessRequest: properties: loan: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Loan' totalLoanAmount: description: Total amount borrowed by customer as Loan ie., Old Loan Amount+Top up Amount. type: number format: double example: 10000.250000 loanTenureInmonths: description: Tenure of loan against credit card. It is considered in terms of number of months. type: integer format: int32 example: 12 topUpAmount: description: Additonal Topup Amount type: number format: double example: 200.500000 loanDescription: description: New Loan Description type: string example: epp merge loan disbursementOption: description: This field indicates the options/mode in which the loan amount will be disbursed. This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{disbursementOption} resource to get valid value of this field with description type: string example: PAYEE_ACCOUNT disbursementAccountId: description: Customers Account Number with the Bank. An account number is the primary identifier for ownership of an account, whether a checking account or savings account or credit card account or investment account, or a loan account. type: string example: 5269013309917800 payeeId: description: Payee Indicator to be mapped against Payee Detail Key type: string example: ABC1234 beneficiaryBankDetail: $ref: '#/definitions/BeneficiaryBankDetail' loanPurpose: description: This field indicates the options/mode in which the loan amount will be disbursed. This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{loanPurpose} resource to get valid value of this field with description. type: string example: MEDICAL required: - totalLoanAmount - loanTenureInmonths - topUpAmount - loanDescription - disbursementOption RetrieveCreditChargeCardFulfillmentArrangementCreditPlanConsolidatePreprocessResponse: properties: initialFeeAmount: description: First month fee/interest charge incurred from booking date to next statement cycle date type: number format: double example: 100.250000 closureInterestAmount: description: Closure Interest accrued from last cycle/booking date till date, to be charged for each of the loans getting closed due to Top up post merger type: number format: double example: 100.250000 closedLoanDetails: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ClosedLoanDetails' creditCheck: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/CreditCheck' ClosedLoanDetails: properties: closedLoanReferenceId: description: Loan Ref Number for the closed loan type: string example: 2019-07-03- individualClosureAmount: description: Individual Closure Interest Amount type: number format: double example: 200.500000 EasyPaymentPlansTransactionEligibilityResponse: properties: easyPaymentPlan: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/EasyPaymentPlan' EasyPaymentPlan: properties: tenor: description: Tenure of loan in months. type: string example: 6 effectiveInterestRate: description: The interest rate applicable on loan amount. type: number format: double example: 12.990000 annualPercentageRate: description: Interest rate for a whole year. This includes any fees or additional cost associated. type: number format: double example: 13.670000 installmentAmount: description: Installment amount to be paid by customer in order to repay the loan. type: number format: double example: 44.660000 oneTimeProcessingFeeIndicator: description: 'One time processing fee indicator. Valid values : PERCENTAGE, FIXED_AMOUNT. This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/apac/utilities/referenceData/{oneTimeProcessingFeeIndicator} resource to get valid value of this field with description.' type: string example: FIXED_AMOUNT oneTimeProcessingFeeAmount: description: Fee charged as part of one time processing. type: number format: double example: 15.150000 oneTimeProcessingFeePercentage: description: Percentage of one time processing fee charged. type: number format: double example: 0.750000 offerIndicator: description: This is to indicate if the offer is rate/fee/hybrid based. This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{offerIndicator} resource to get valid value of this field with description. type: string example: RATE_BASED required: - tenor - offerIndicator LoanRepaymentScheduleResponse: properties: amortizationSchedule: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/AmortizationSched' totalInterestAmount: description: ' Total Interest amount to be paid by borrower for the loan.' type: number format: double example: 900.580000 nextStartIndex: type: string description: The next start index that indicates the next set of records to be fetched, if there are available. Typically, this value should be populated if the first response has the value of nextStartIndex. example: "11" AmortizationSched: properties: installmentNumber: description: Installment number type: string example: "1" installmentAmount: description: Installment amount to be paid by customer in order to repay the loan in local currency. type: number format: double example: 34.950000 principalAmount: description: The portion of the Principal Amount Paid for the loan in local currency. type: number format: double example: 34.950000 installmentInterestAmount: description: The interest amount to be paid as installment. type: number format: double example: 5.580000 required: - installmentNumber - installmentAmount - principalAmount - installmentInterestAmount LoanSummaryResponse: properties: loans: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Loans' nextStartIndex: type: string description: The next start index that indicates the next set of records to be fetched, if there are available. Typically, this value should be populated if the first response has the value of nextStartIndex. example: "11" Loans: properties: loanReferenceId: description: 'Reference Id to uniquely identify the loan. ' type: string example: 50120182023488270 displayAccountNumber: description: 'Last 4 digits of account number. ' type: string example: "5678" transactionDate: description: Transaction date in YYYY-MM-DD format value conforming to ISO 8601. type: string format: date example: "2018-05-21" transactionDescription: description: Transaction description from the merchant, POS or bank. If there are foreign currency transactions on checking /saving account(s) then description includes exchange rate, city and country. type: string example: TRANSIT 30000659022734 SINGAPORE SG installmentAmount: type: number format: double description: Installment loan payment amount example: 1200.250000 nextInstallmentAmount: description: Next installment amount in local currency. type: number format: double example: 44.660000 outstandingBalanceAmount: type: number format: double description: The amount of money owed. example: 20000.250000 tenor: description: Tenure of loan in months. type: number format: integer example: 60 outstandingTenor: description: Number of months remaining for completion of loan. type: number format: integer example: 45 originalLoanAmount: description: Original loan amount borrowed by customer. type: number format: double example: 5000.250000 annualPercentageRate: description: Interest rate for a whole year. This includes any fees or additional cost associated. type: number format: double example: 13.670000 effectiveInterestRate: description: Effective Percentage Rate type: number format: double example: 9.200000 processingChargeAmount: description: Charges levied on applicant by the bank to process the loan. type: number format: double example: 50 outstandingInterestAmount: description: Total Outstanding Interest Amount. type: number format: double example: 2000 selfEarlyLoanClosureAllowedFlag: description: Flag to identify if the loan is allowed to be early self closed by customer or not.. type: boolean example: "TRUE" installmentCycle: description: Intallment Cycle type: integer example: 4 loanStatus: description: This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{loanStatus} resource to get valid value of this field with description. Possible values - ACTIVE, CLOSED, PURGED, DELETED, ALL type: string example: ACTIVE offerType: description: This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{offerType} resource to get valid value of this field with description. Possible values - EPP, LOP, ALL type: string example: EPP offerIndicator: description: 'This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{offerIndicator} resource to get valid value of this field with description. Possible Values: rate/fee/hybrid' type: string example: Rate required: - tenor - transactionDate - transactionDescription - loanReferenceId - outstandingBalanceAmount - installmentAmount - originalLoanAmount - annualPercentageRate InitiateCreditChargeCardFulfillmentArrangementCreditPlanEppLoanCreationRequest: properties: accountId: description: The customer account identifier for CASA account in encrypted format type: string example: 3234154654564650 transactionId: description: Transaction ID of the debit card transaction for which LOP booking will be done on the credit card type: string example: 154654564654 loanAmount: description: Eligible Loan amount type: number format: double example: 5500.100000 loanTenor: description: Tenure for the Loan type: integer example: 12 required: - loanAmount - loanTenor InitiateCreditChargeCardFulfillmentArrangementCreditPlanEppLoanCreationResponse: properties: nextInstallmentAmount: description: Next installment Amount for the loan type: number format: double example: 117.760000 interestRate: description: Interest Rate for the loan type: number format: double example: 0.500000 initialFee: description: Initial Fees for the loan type: number format: double example: 0 RequestCreditChargeCardFulfillmentArrangementCreditPlanEppRefundRequest: properties: cardDetails: $ref: '#/definitions/CardDetails' originalAuthorizationCode: description: Authorization Code for Original Transaction type: string refundAuthorizationCode: description: Authorization Code for Refund Transaction type: string required: - originalAuthorizationCode - refundAuthorizationCode LoanBookingRequest: properties: payeeId: description: Unique identifier associated with the payee.Typically, this is not displayed to the customer. type: string example: C$0003019202$AU$XX$01000540000001 loanAmount: description: This field is to indicate the loan amount for booking. type: number format: double example: 680.250000 disbursementOption: description: This field indicates the options/mode in which the loan amount will be disbursed. This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{disbursementOption} resource to get valid value of this field with description. type: string example: STANDING_INSTRUCTION disbursementAccountId: type: string description: The disbursement account identifier in encrypted format. Applicable only for HK. example: 3255613852316f2b4d4d796c344e38756339654972776f663745446e6d4c32486f455a4165374a476858343d tenor: description: Tenure of loan in months. type: number format: integer example: 6 bankDetails: $ref: '#/definitions/BankDetails' loanPurpose: description: This field is to indicate the purpose of loan. This is a reference data field.This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{loanPurpose} resource to get valid value of this field with description. type: string example: PERSONAL remarks: description: Payment notes. Free text from screen type: string taxId: description: Unique Tax ID of the Customer,INN Taxpayer's identification code applicable for Russia type: string example: 123456 employmentStatus: description: Status of the employment.This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/apac/utilities/referenceData/{lopEmploymentStatus} resource to get valid value of this field with description. You can use the field name as the referenceCode parameter to retrieve the values. type: string example: Private Employee occupationCode: description: Occupation code. This is a reference data field. Please use /utilities/referenceData/{lopOccupationCode} resource to get valid values of this field with descriptions. You can use the occupationCode as the referenceCode parameter to retrieve the values. type: string example: Business highestEducationLevel: description: Highest education level of the applicant. This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{lopHighestEducationLevel} resource to get valid value of this field with description. type: string example: Graduation paymentReferenceId: description: Reference number to uniquely identify the payment, applicable for Russia type: string example: 123456 lopCategory: description: Indicator to determine the type of LOP Offer. This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/apac/utilities/referenceData/{LOPCategory} resource to get valid value of this field with description. type: string required: - tenor - loanAmount - disbursementOption BankDetails: properties: bankCode: description: This field is to indicate the bank code. Code assigned by a central bank, a bank supervisory body or a Bankers Association in a country to all its licensed member banks or financial institutions code type: string example: DBSSG0XXX bankName: description: Name of the bank. type: string example: HSBC Bank branchCode: description: Bank Branch Code to which the loan will be credited. type: string example: "10034" accountNumber: description: This field is to indicate the account number. Applicable only for SG. type: string example: "251212582364" payeeName: description: Name of the payee. type: string example: Adam Smith required: - bankCode LoanBookingResponse: properties: loanReferenceId: description: Reference Id to uniquely identify the loan. type: string example: BIMI51807310002051 availableCredit: type: number format: double description: This field is to indicate the available credit limit on the credit card. example: 5750.250000 paymentMethod: description: The acceptable forms of remittance for a given payments and transfer transaction.This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{paymentMethod} resource to get valid value of this field with description. type: string example: GIRO required: - loanReferenceId LoanBookingPlanResponse: properties: loanBookingPlans: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/LoanBookingPlan' DisbursementOptionsResponse: properties: disbursementOptions: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/DisbursementOption' required: - disbursementOptions DisbursementOption: properties: disbursementOption: description: Provide the list of the options available to receive the disbursement of loan amount. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{disbursementOption} resource to get valid value of this field with description. type: string example: STANDING_INSTRUCTION address: $ref: '#/definitions/Address' externalBankDetails: $ref: '#/definitions/ExternalBankDetails' personalAccountDetails: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/PersonalAccountDetails' payeeAccountDetails: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/PayeeAccountDetails' required: - disbursementOption Address: properties: addressType: description: Type of the address. This is a reference data field. Please use /utilities/referenceData/{addressType} resource to get valid values of this field with descriptions. type: string example: 'MAILING_ADDRESS ' addressLine1: description: Address line 1 type: string example: "12" addressLine2: description: Address line 2 type: string example: "24" addressLine3: description: Address line 3 type: string example: "209" addressLine4: description: Address line 4 type: string example: Warsaw cityName: description: City type: string example: Warsaw state: description: State.This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{addressState} resource to get valid value of this field with description. type: string example: Mazowieckie postalCode: description: Postal/ZIP code type: string example: "345346" countryCode: description: ISO country code. This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{country} resource to get valid value of this field with description. type: string example: PL required: - addressLine1 - addressType ExternalBankDetails: properties: bankCode: description: This field is to indicate the bank code. Code assigned by a central bank, a bank supervisory body or a Bankers Association in a country to all its licensed member banks or financial institutions code type: string example: "101" destinationAccountId: description: The destination account identifier in encrypted format.Typically, this is not displayed to the customer. type: string example: 824f5141524b4d58576853766c786a45376e7637576e6d35695378515a726f494c36367763776775432f453d displayDestinationAccountNumber: description: A masked account number that can be displayed to the customer type: string example: XXXXXX2364 required: - bankCode - destinationAccountId PersonalAccountDetails: properties: accountId: description: The account number in encrypted format. type: string example: 3255613852316f2b4d4d796c344e38756339654972776f663745446e6d4c32486f455a4165374a476858343d accountNickname: type: string description: The nickname of the account assigned by the customer example: Brokerage Account for my trading displayAccountNumber: description: A masked account number that can be displayed to the customer type: string example: XXXXXX2364 currencyCode: description: The currency code of the account in ISO 4217 format type: string example: SGD currentBalance: description: The current balance including any pending or in progress deposits and withdrawals type: number format: double example: 10000.250000 required: - accountId - accountNickname - displayAccountNumber PayeeAccountDetails: properties: payeeId: description: Unique identifier associated with the payee.Typically, this is not displayed to the customer. type: string example: C$0003019202$AU$XX$01000540000001 payeeNickName: description: The nick name of the payee assigned by the customer. type: string example: MarkJ payeeName: description: Name of the payee. type: string example: Mark Jacobs paymentType: description: The payment type.This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{paymentType} resource to get valid value of this field with description. type: string example: GIRO payeeBankName: description: Name of the bank. type: string example: HSBC Bank bankCode: description: Bank Code of the Payee type: string example: "44525101" displayPayeeAccountNumber: description: The display account number of the destination account type: string example: XXXXXX4085 LoanBookingConfirmationRequest: properties: controlFlowId: description: Control Flow Id type: string example: 6e3774334f724a2b7947663653712f52456f524c41797038516a59347a437549564a77755676376e616a733d required: - controlFlowId LoanBookingConfirmationResponse: properties: loanReferenceId: description: Reference Id to uniquely identify the loan. type: string example: BIMI51807310002051 availableCreditLimitAmount: description: Current credit limit amount on the credit card type: number format: double example: 5000 paymentMethod: description: Used to identify if the method of loan disbursal is FAST or GIRO. This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{paymentMethod} resource to get valid value of this field with description type: string example: GIRO required: - loanReferenceId RetrieveCreditCardServicesLoanBookingLoanDetailsAndRepaymentSchedulesResponse: properties: outstandingBalanceAmount: description: The amount of money owed type: number format: double loanDate: description: Loan date in ISO 8601 date format YYYY-MM-DD. type: string format: date loanAmount: description: Loan amount on which offer has been given. type: number format: double effectiveTenor: description: Tenure of loan against credit card. It is considered in terms of number of months. type: integer format: int32 outstandingTenor: description: Number of months remaining for completion of loan type: integer format: int32 firstInstallmentAmount: description: First installment amount. type: number format: double monthlyInstallmentAmount: description: Monthly installment amount. type: number format: double totalRepaymentAmount: description: Total repayment amount (Loan PRIN + Total Interest until closure + Booking Fee). type: number format: double loanCreationFee: description: One time processing Fee/Creation fee. type: number format: double loanCancellationFee: description: Fees applicable for early closure of loan. type: number format: double interestRate: description: Annualized percentage rate. type: number format: double nominalInterestRate: description: Will be zero for Fee based Loans. To be shown for Rate based Loans when setup in EUER. type: number format: double repayment: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Repayment' loanCategory: description: Type of loan based on EPP Promotion ID type: string firstMonthLoanPaymentAmount: description: Total of 1st Installment Amount + Booking Fee + Other Charges type: number format: double effectiveInterestRate: description: The interest rate applicable on loan amount type: number format: double displaySourceAccountNumber: description: Last four digits of bank account number for loan disbursement type: string loanBookingFee: description: Disursement fee charged on loan type: number format: double documentaryStampTax: description: Documentary stamp tax charged on loan type: number format: double firstPaymentDueDate: description: First payment due date in ISO 8601 date format YYYY-MM-DD. type: string format: date nextPaymentDueDay: description: Next Payment Due Day type: string displayLoanAccountNumber: description: Last four digits of loan account number type: string disbursementMethod: description: Method of loan disbursement type: string required: - outstandingBalanceAmount - loanDate - loanAmount - effectiveTenor - outstandingTenor - firstInstallmentAmount - monthlyInstallmentAmount - totalRepaymentAmount - loanCreationFee - interestRate - nominalInterestRate Repayment: properties: installmentNumber: description: Installment number indicating the count or the number of installments paid so far type: integer format: int32 installmentPrincipleAmount: description: Principal component in the Installment type: number format: double installmentInterestAmount: description: Interest component in the installment type: number format: double totalInstallmentAmount: description: Amount of money that a borrower has to pay on monthly basis in order to repay the loan. EMI (principle + Interest) type: number format: double billedUnbilledIndicator: description: B - Billed Installment details, U - Unbilled Installment details type: string required: - installmentNumber - installmentPrincipleAmount - installmentInterestAmount - totalInstallmentAmount - billedUnbilledIndicator UpdateCreditCardServicesLoanBookingCustomerConsentRequest: properties: consentFlag: description: Customer Consent Flag type: boolean required: - consentFlag GenerateOTPRequest: required: - otpDeliveryOption type: object properties: otpDeliveryOption: type: string description: Method of OTP(one time PIN) delivery. The possible values are SMS, SOFTTOKEN, HARDTOKEN, VOICE, VRU, EMAIL example: SMS interdictionId: type: string description: The identifier used to retrieve phone number of the user from cache for which OTP needs to be delivered example: "1111214678" transactionType: type: string description: 'The string representing the transaction flow Eg: SIGNON, ADD_PAYEE' example: SIGNON controlFlowId: description: Control Flow Id type: string example: 6e3774334f724a2b7947663653712f52456f524c41797038516a59347a437549564a77755676376e616a733d emailAddress: description: Email address of the customer type: string example: john.1@gmailcom messageCode: description: The alert code that is used by CitiAlerts to send alerts to customers. type: string example: CCPAYMNTDUE originalApiUri: description: CMAMT API URI type: string example: POST/v1/insurance/bookings mfaScope: description: Login CMAMT type: string example: transaction GenerateOTPResponse: type: object properties: maskedPhoneNumber: type: string description: The Customer's phone number having last four digits unmasked example: XXXXXXXX1234 ValidateOTPRequest: required: - otpDeliveryOption - otpToken type: object properties: otpDeliveryOption: type: string description: Method of OTP(one time PIN) delivery. This is a reference data field.Please use /utilities/referenceData/{otpDeliveryOption} resource to get valid values of this field with descriptions. example: SMS otpToken: type: string description: The encrypted OTP Token. example: hQEMA8pL8pXB67DjAQf+lI1CnFXuF/ transactionMemo: description: Type of the specific transaction. This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/apac/utilities/referenceData/{transactionMemo} resource to get possible values of this field with descriptions. type: string example: ENROLLCARD controlFlowId: description: It is used to control the flow for subsequent requests in the session. type: string example: 6e3774334f724a2b7947663653712f52456f524c41797038516a59347a437549564a77755676376e616a733d originalApiUri: description: CMAMT API URI type: string example: POST/v1/insurance/bookings mfaScope: description: Login CMAMT type: string example: transaction E2ESuccessResponse: properties: modulus: description: Public key modulus to be used for encrypting the password,otp..etc type: string example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exponent: description: Public key exponent to to be used for encrypting the password,otp..etc type: string example: "3" required: - modulus - exponent x-ibm-configuration: enforced: true testable: true phase: realized securityDefinitions: client_id: type: apiKey description: "" in: header name: X-IBM-Client-Id security: - client_id: [] x-ibm-endpoints: - endpointUrl: https://aspac.sandbox.api.citi.com/gcbap description: Custom Gateway API Endpoint type: - production - development ...